- Creating one multi-category platform for growth with around 10 billion euros sales
- Continued optimization of consumer portfolio: clear focus on core brands and businesses with attractive growth and margin potential and a stronger basis for M&A across consumer space
- Significant synergies and efficiency gains expected through the combination
- Launch of share buyback program of up to 1 billion euros: leverage strong balance sheet and cashflow, optimize the capital structure and signal strong confidence in the future potential for profitable growth
- Preliminary results for 2021 published: Organic sales growth (OSG) of +7.8 percent, EBIT margin* of 13.4 percent and earnings per preferred share* (EPS) growth of +9.2 percent (at constant exchange rates)
- Outlook for 2022: OSG: 2 to 4 percent, EBIT margin*: 11.5 to 13.5 percent, EPS* development: -15 to +5 percent (at constant exchange rates), reflecting high level of market uncertainty and volatility
- New mid- to long-term financial ambition for Henkel: OSG of 3 to 4 percent, EBIT margin* of around 16 percent and mid- to high-single-digit percentage EPS* growth (at constant exchange rates, incl. M&A)
Discover the brands and technologies from our business units Henkel Adhesive Technologies and Henkel Consumer Brands.

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