- Good business performance in 2021 in challenging market environment:
- Group sales reach 20.1 billion euros, +7.8 percent organic growth
- Operating profit* increases to 2.7 billion euros, +4.2 percent
- EBIT margin* on prior-year level: 13.4 percent
- Earnings per preferred share (EPS)*: 4.56 euros, +9.2 percent adjusted for currency effects
- Good free cash flow of 1.5 billion euros, net financial position significantly improved
- Proposed dividend on prior-year level: 1.85 euros per preferred share
- Outlook 2022 and mid- to long-term financial ambition unchanged
- Consistent implementation of agenda for Purposeful Growth since 2020
- Key measures to take strategic growth agenda to next level:
- Integration process of Laundry & Home Care and Beauty Care to one multi-category platform with around 10 billion euros sales started
- Further portfolio optimization planned in the consumer goods business
- Share buyback program with a volume of up to 1 billion euros started
- Venture Fund II with a total volume of 150 million euros
- New sustainability strategy and ambitions
Discover the brands and technologies from our business units Henkel Adhesive Technologies and Henkel Consumer Brands.

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